Monday, March 16, 2009

Ready to PCS?

Another older post from the Cafemoms group

Dislocation Allowance (DLA) Military members may be entitled to a dislocation allowance (DLA) when relocating their household due to a PCS. However, keep in mind that DLA is intended to partially reimburse relocation expenses not otherwise reimbursed and probably will not reimburse all of the relocation expenses.

DLA payment limitations are based on a fiscal year (the fiscal year runs from 1 October to 30 September). Ordinarily members are entitled to only one DLA payment per fiscal year. However, there are some exceptions.

You can find the 2007 DLA charts here... Enlisted Warrent Officers Officers


Military members are allowed a permissive TDY (Temporary Duty) for up to 10 days in conjunction with a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move between and within the 50 states & District of Columbia. By "Permissive TDY" that means there is no transportation or per diem paid, but members are not charged for leave.

Military members may request (from their commander) this permissive TDY anytime after they receive their written re-assignment orders. However, because there is no travel entitlement, most military members elect to use this benefit, after signing out of their old base, but before signing into their new base.

In other words, they plan to arrive at their new base 10 days early, which then gives them 10 days for house-hunting, which is not charged as leave.

The "house-hunting" entitlement only applies for members who will not be living in the barracks/dormitories after arrival at the new assignment.


TLE is designed to partially offset lodging and meal expenses when a member and/or dependents need to occupy temporary lodging in CONUS (Continental United States) in connection with a PCS. The member receives reimbursement (for member and family members) for temporary lodging and meal expenses, up to $180 per day.

If the member is moving from from one CONUS base to another, he/she is authorized up to 10 days TLE, either at the losing duty station or at the new duty station (or any combination, up to 10 days total).

If the member is moving from CONUS to overseas, they can only receive up to five days TLE at the losing duty station. If the member is moving from Overseas to CONUS, they can receive up to 10 days TLE at the new CONUS duty station after arrival.

TLE is not paid for lodging made during the actual travel days from one duty station to another (that's an entirely different animal, called "per diem," rather it's for temporary lodging (in the states) at the old duty station, before departure, or at the new duty station, after arrival.
The legal authority for TLE is 37 USC 404a. For more information about TLE, see the TLE FAQ Page, on the Military Per Diem, Transportation and Allowance Committee Web Site


What TLE is to CONUS, TLA is to overseas. Up to 60 days (can be extended) may be paid for temporary lodging expenses and meal expenses after a military member (and his/her family) arrive at a new overseas location, while awaiting housing. Up to 10 days of TLA can be paid for temporary lodging expenses in the overseas location, prior to departure.
The legal authority for TLA is 37 USC 405.

For more information about TLA, see the TLA FAQ Page, on the Military Per Diem, Transportation and Allowance Committee Web Site. PER DIEM FOR PCS TRAVEL.

Military members receive a "per diem" allowance, which is designed to partially reimburse for lodging and meal expenses when traveling from one duty station to another. When traveling by Privately Owned Conveyance (POC), military members are paid a flat rate of $85.00 per day for each day of authorized travel used. When the member travels cy commercial means, they are paid the established per diem rate, (under "Lodging Plus") for the new Permanent Duty Station (PDS), or the rate for the delay point if the member stops overnight.

Per diem for dependents is 3/4 of the member's applicable rate for each dependent 12 years old or older and 1/2 of the member's rate for each dependent under 12 years.

The legal authority for PCS Per Diem is 37 USC 404.


When members elect to travel to their new duty station by POC (auto), they are entitled to receive a mileage allowance, in lieu of cost of airline ticket. The reimbursement rate depends on the number of authorized travelers in the vehicle.

• One passenger -- $0.15 per mile
• Two passengers -- $0.17 per mile
• Three passengers -- $0.19 per mile
• Four or more Passengers -- $0.20 per mile

Remember, the rate is per car, not per person. So, for example, if a military member and his/her spouse traveled to a new duty station in one car, the reimbursement rate would be $0.17 per mile (total) for both of them. However, if they traveled in separate cars, the reimbursement would be $0.15 cents per mile for each car (assuming there were no additional dependents in either car). If the military member traveled in one car, and his/her spouse and child traveled in another car, the member would be reimbursed at the rate of $0.15 per mile for the car he/she is driving, and $0.17 per mile for the car that his/her dependents were traveling in.

In addition to the mileage rates, military personnel and their dependents receive a per diem for each day of travel. Generally, 1 day of travel time is allowed for each 350 miles of official distance of ordered travel. If the excess is 51 miles or more after dividing the total number of miles by 350, one additional day of travel time is allowed. When the total official distance is 400 miles or less, 1 day's travel time is allowed.

For travel by POC, per diem for the member is a flat $91 per day of travel. Per diem for the member when travel is by commercial means is computed under lodgings plus at the rate for the new permament duty station, or the rate for the delay point if the member stops overnight . Per diem for the dependents is 3/4 of the member’s applicable rate for each dependent 12 years old or older and 1/2 of the member’s rate for each dependent under 12 years.

The legal authority for POC Travel is 37 USC 404(d)


Within CONUS dependents may be authorized to travel by commercial means (air, rail, bus), unless they elect to travel by POC, from the old PDS to the new PDS. The military member can be reimbursed for this travel, up to what it would have cost the military to purchase an airline ticket.

The legal authority for Commercial Travel of Dependents within the CONUS is 37 USC 406(a).


Dependents can travel to overseas assignment locations, either via military aircraft, or by commercial means. Warning: If one purchases their own commercial airline tickets for travel to an overseas assignment location, one may only be reimbursed if the aircraft is an American-Flag Carrier, if any AMCs fly to that location. The only time one can be reimbursed for flying on a commercial foreign carrier is if no AMC services that overseas location.
The legal authority for dependent travel outside of the CONUS is 37 USC 404.


Military members can ship Household Goods from their old duty station to their new duty station. Authorized up to 18,000 pounds, but varies by grade & whether or not the member is with or without dependents.In addition to allowing the military to arrange for movement of Household Goods, the member can elect to move it themselves, and receive reimbursement if the move is within the CONUS.

The legal authority for Household Goods Transportation is 37 USC 406.


A member has 2 years from the date of HHG delivery to make a claim. Claims are processed through the Personal Property Office responsible for the area where the HHG were delivered. Claims are limited to $40,000 depreciated value of the shipment regardless of weight. At his own expense, the member may purchase full replacement coverage. The additional cost is based on the weight of the HHG shipment.


If the military member's orders state that government furnishings are provided at the overseas location, the member's Household Good Weight Shipping Allowance is limited to 2,500 pounds or 25 percent of HHG weight allowance, plus nonavailable items. Additional items (up to the weight allowance) is allowed to be placed in Nontemporary Storage.
The legal authority for limited Household Goods transportation is set by various military service regulations.


Military members can elect to have the military store all, or part of their Household Goods on a permanent basis during the assignment, up to their maximum weight allowance.
The legal authority for Nontemporary Storage of Household Goods is 37 USC 406(d).

This is a separate allowance for annual shipment of up to 1,250 pounds per year of consumable items. Weight is in addition to household goods weight limit.
The legal authority for additional consumables allowance is 37 USC 406(b)(1)(D).



When moved by commercial transporter, reimbursement includes carrier charges, road fares & tolls, permits & charges for pilot car. If towed by POC, reimbursement is for actual costs. For self-propelled mobile home, reimbursement is at 36.5 cents per mile. May be transported by GBL. Reimbursement is limited to what it would have cost the Government to transport member's maximum HHG weight allowance.
Transportation of Mobile Home is in lieu of HHG transportation and is authorized only within CONUS, within Alaska, & between CONUS & Alaska. The legal authority for Mobile Home Transportation is 37 USC 409.


Military members can ship POVs in conjunction with many overseas assignments (and, of course, can ship them back to the CONUS, upon completion of the assignment). The military services can apply restrictions on this entitlement. For example, for assignments to Korea, military members must be "command sponsored" (allowed to be accompanied by family members), or must be in the grade of E-7 or above, in order to ship a vehicle. Members may also be authorized shipment for a replacement POV during any 4-year period, while assigned overseas.
Members are also authorized mileage reimbursement when driving the vehicle to the authorized port for shipment, and when picking up the vehicle from the authorized receiving port.

There is only limited authority for POV shipment within CONUS. Shipment within the CONUS is authorized only when medically unable to drive, homeport change, or not enough time to drive.
The legal authority for POV shipment is 10 USC 2634(h), 10 USC 2634, and 37 USC 406(h).


A member is authorized storage of a POV when (a) ordered to an overseas assignment to which POV transportation isn't permitted, or (b) sent TDY on a contingency operation, for more than 30 days. The legal authority for POV storage is 10 USC 2634

PCS FINANCIAL ENTITLEMENTSAS OF FEBRUARY 06 Advance Military PayThe purpose of advance military pay is to meet extraordinary PCS related expenses. The maximum amount payable is three (3) months base pay less deductions. The normal repayment schedule is 12 months. In cases of financial hardship, the repayment can be extended to a maximum of 24 months with commander's approval.

Payment Procedures Normal payment can be received no earlier than 30 days prior to PCS departure and no later than 60 days after arrival at new Permanent Duty Station. Exceptions to this rule are listed in Part 1, block 6 of DD Form 2560, Request to Receive Advance Pay (maintained by PAC). E-4 and below must provide 2 copies of their PCS orders and the completed DD Form 2560, to include Part II, justification, signed by their commander. E-5 and above must provide 2 copies of their PCS orders and the completed DD Form 2560. NOTE: Commander's signature is required only if you are requesting more than one month's advance pay and/or if requesting more than the normal 12 month repayment schedule. Repayment schedule cannot exceed length of tour.

LES Statements And Net Pay AdvicesThese will not be mailed after departure. Denver will not generate these statements until you, the member, have in-processed through Accounting and Finance at your next permanent duty station. To inquire about your pay, call your financial institution or the nearest Accounting and Finance Office.

Payments During PCSAll members are highly encouraged to keep Direct Deposit in effect during their PCS. However, if a Direct Deposit stoppage is planned, it must be reinstated within 60 days after arrival at the next permanent duty station.

Separate Rations (BAS)

BAS will continue through the period of your PCS for all members. For enlisted members not normally on BAS, it will be started on the day of departure. If you are a meal card holder (required to eat in the dining facility) meal deductions will start upon your arrival to your gaining.

Housing (BAQ)Without Dependent Rate BAQ:

Single soldiers E1-E5 with less than four years of service will have their BAQ/VHA stopped at 2400 on the day before departure. .
E6 and above, including officers will have their BAQ continue after arrival at next permanent duty station. Partial rate BAQ will stop at 2400 on the day before departure (entitlement will be restarted upon sign-in at new duty station.)

With Dependent Rate BAQ will continue through PCS. If your next assignment will be unaccompanied, PLEASE provide a copy of your lease or mortgage to your new duty station. VHA will stop upon arrival and documentation will be needed to restart this entitlement.
Family Separation Allowance (FSA)If you will be TDY for 31 days or more during your PCS and will be separated from your dependents, you may file for FSA at your next permanent duty station.

If you have dependents and will be unaccompanied at your next duty station, you may apply for FSA after 31 days of separation. This is only authorized if your dependents are prohibited by orders at your gaining station. Again, this entitlement is filed at your next permanent duty station.

Temporary Living ExpenseCONUS moves qualify you for up to $180 per day for a maximum of ten (10) days to cover lodging and meals in temporary quarters at your present duty station and at your destination. Entitlement can be split between both locations. Computation is based on rank, number of dependents, lodging amount, and whether you have cooking facilities or not OVERSEAS moves qualify you for only five days TLE stateside; once overseas entitlement changes to TLA. Entitlement is not authorized for separations, retirements, or when government housing is available.

Temporary Living Allowance (TLA)

Overseas moves allow members to draw TLA based upon the local rate for a maximum of 60 days after arrival overseas and 10 days prior to departure.

The allowance is 65% of local per diem for members, 35% for spouse, and 25% for each additional family member. Check into availability prior to sending the whole family, as it is sometimes cheaper to let the family remain in the United States until quarters are available.

Permissive House HuntingTen days with no monetary entitlements. Purpose is to seek lodging at the new permanent duty station without being charged leave.

Soldiers are required to report to the on post housing office prior to seeking off post housing. If this is not done, permissive TDY will be disapproved.

Travel Advances (EFT Only)Payable within ten duty days of your final out processing date for PCS/separations/retirements DLA (with dependent rate only) is paid at 80% for PCS moves. Government credit card are discouraged for usage under PCS orders. Separation: 80% mileage payable. Retirement: 100% mileage and per diem payable.

TDY EnrouteAdvance is authorized from your present duty station to your TDY point only. The TDY station can pay the entitlements from there to the new permanent duty station or port. Dependent/Spouse travel entitlements are not authorized to a TDY location. Their entitlement remains as the present duty station to the new permanent duty station via the port if applicable.

Dislocation Allowance (DLA)It is a one time payment paid on PCS to assist in offsetting the costs of moving and setting up a new household. Authorized members with dependents can request to receive this in advance. Single members will normally receive payment at new permanent duty station.

DLA is not authorized for separations, or retirements DLA is equivalent to two and a half months the table rate of BAH and is authorized for:
Members with dependents who will be making the move with the member or will be residing at a designated location. Single members making a PCS move not assigned PERMANENT government quarters at a new permanent duty station. E6 and above are given the entitlement without having to obtain written authority from the Housing Office at the new permanent duty station. Self-certification is accepted. E5s and below need to obtain written authorization and attach it to the travel voucher.

PCS Travel Entitlements

CONUS:Driving POV: Mileage One POV used:Two POVs used:Member $ .15Member (vehicle #1) .15Each authorized dependent .02Dependent Driving (vehicle #2) .15Not to exceed max of .20Each authorized dependent .02 Not to exceed per vehicle .20 Per Diem: Based on 350 miles per day for the official distance. Per diem is paid for each authorized travel day or less if the actual number of travel days is less than that authorized. Member $99.00Spouse $74.25 Dependents 12 years and older: $74.25 Dependents under 12 years of age: $49.50

Chart for Determining Number of Authorized Travel Days:

CONUSMiles# of Days
1 - 4001 day 401 - 7502 days 751 - 11003 days 1101 – 14504 days 1451 – 18005 days 1801 – 21506 days 2151 – 25007 days 2501 – 28508 days 2851 – 32009 days

Mixed modes:

Defined as driving for one leg of the PCS and flying for another leg. The payment will be your actual modes of travel not to exceed the lesser of what it would have cost the government had you driven or flown the entire distance.

Flying: If you fly straight from your present duty station to your new permanent duty station, you may bring your orders to the government Travel office and obtain a Travel Request (TR). If you are going on leave prior to going to your new permanent duty station, and still desire to fly the entire distance, Transportation will still issue a TR, if the entire cost, including travel to your leave point is the same cost or less than direct routing to your new permanent duty station. If the cost through your leave point exceeds the direct routing cost, you must purchase the ticket yourself. You will be reimbursed for the direct routing only.
Overseas:Mileage same as for CONUS Per Diem same as for CONUS Mixed Modes same as for CONUS

Flying (same rules apply except that the transoceanic portion, unless specifically authorized in the orders, must be traveled via MTA). Normally, you are only authorized travel from your present duty station to your port. If your dependents are traveling to an authorized designated location, you are authorized travel from your present duty station to the designated location and then to the port, but only after you have officially signed off the base in a PCS status. If you move your dependents prior to your final out-processing, only your dependents are authorized travel entitlements.


You are authorized one overnight stay at the CONUS port and the OVERSEAS port if one or both are not considered within the local area of your OLD or NEW permanent duty station.

Defense Military Pay Office final Out-processingTake 5 copies of your PCS orders, clearance papers and DA 31 to AG Bldg 3164 room 208 immediately upon receipt of your orders and clearance papers to ensure travel payment prior to your departure..

Remember, advances can only be done by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).